Document Imaging Solutions
A.B. COLOR provides total imaging solutions and is renowned for its operational efficient design and productivity. Microfilming, Scanning and Digital Imaging have become a means of information transfer due to the global trend moving towards miniaturisation – prompted by availability of diminishing space and rising inflation.
At A.B. COLOR, our primary emphasis is on addressing the specific document management needs of our clients. Our products and technical support, backed by industry leaders, provide optimal solutions that take into account both the current and future requirements of our clients.
The need to connect people and images to obtain instant information in a competitive environment is immense. Equally essential is the need to save on storage space and costs. A.B.COLOR advocates document imaging of Records by capture, store, retrieval, distribution and upgradation features.
A.B. COLOR has installed and commissioned scanners for Rare Books and Manuscripts. It was the first such scanner in India and first in any Indian Government State Archives. Goa Archives, Maharashtra Archives has already benefited from an Imaging Survey leading to installation and commissioning of a Microfilming Camera and Laminator.
A.B.Color has almost a decade ago digitised the land records of the entire Orissa State with such perfection that Orissa received the National Award from the Central Government for the best digitised land records for any State.